5 Unusual Bodyweight Exercises to Mix Up Your Routine
Exercise is good for you. There’s no argument about that, and no way to deny it. However, for those people just coming to regular exercise, all the equipment and techniques can be pretty intimidating, and for those who already exercise regularly, doing the same old thing can get really dull. The answer? Unusual bodyweight exercises to mix up your routine! Regular bodyweight exercises are some of the simplest ones that you can start out trying. They require no equipment, and make up the core of even the most advanced routines. However, the “normal ones” can get very dull. Here are five good bodyweight exercises to mix up your routine and reasons why they’re so great at getting you in shape!
What Are Bodyweight Exercises and Why Are They Great?
Bodyweight exercises are simply strength exercises that rely on (you may have guessed it) your own bodyweight as the resistance – think pullups. This simplicity is one of the reasons they’re so great; you can do most of them anywhere, anytime, without any extra equipment! This makes them ideal for when you’re travelling or just running through a fitness routine outside of a gym – if you use a park, for example, you can do pushups on the grass and pullups on a playground.
However, these types of exercises aren’t perfect. They can seem a little daunting to those just starting out and too basic for long-time exercisers, and, after a while, they can be just plain boring.
So: how to mix up your workout routine?
Well, one of the simplest ways to fight off the tedium of your 900th pushup is to try some more unusual bodyweight exercises. These will not only keep the boredom at bay, but will also hit different muscle groups in different ways, making for a more complete workout.
Here are some new bodyweight exercises to mix up your routine and keep your motivation high (just don’t be put off by the names!).
Pushups are great, but they can get a little boring. Let’s mix it up!
1. Bear Push Up (AKA Anti-Crawl Push Up)
The starting position is the same as if you were about to do a bear crawl (it’s essentially kneeling with your palms flat on the ground, but your knees are not touching the ground since you are holding your weight on your toes). You might already know this starting position since the bear crawl is one of the more common exercises, but the Bear Push Up takes it to a whole other level. Making sure your elbows are tucked tightly in and your back is straight, do push-ups as you normally would but in this new position, after a few reps you’ll realise why this strange but effective move makes the list.
2. Dead Bug
Make crunches a thing of the past, or at least a different part of your routine, by incorporating the Dead Bug exercise. This is a great way to work on your core without negatively affecting your lower back (which can be an issue with traditional crunches). To do a dead bug, lie flat on your back with your arms pointing to the sky and your legs up and bent at the knees (so they are at a 90-degree angle). Ensure your back is as flat to the floor as possible (make sure it is not arched). From this position, slowly lower one leg and the opposing arm to the ground before returning it to the start position. Repeat with the other leg/arm. Well done – you’re now imitating a bug, and doing a new and interesting bodyweight exercise!
3. Lateral Triple Jump
A great way to improve your speed and strength with a less common bodyweight exercise is the lateral triple jump. This involves starting on one foot (your left, for example), jumping to the same foot in a sideways motion with as much power as possible (so you’re still on your left foot). As soon as you land, launch yourself sideways again on to the opposite foot (you’d be landing on your right) before jumping forward to land on both. If you’re thinking that it sounds a little confusing, just think about all those hours playing hopscotch as a kid – just in extreme mode. This exercise will build your strength, but more importantly, your agility. This, like many others, is easier to learn in person, which is where a personal trainer can really come in handy.
4. Drop Squat
This is a great way to work your glutes and quadriceps. For a drop squat, start in an upright standing position. Then jump your feet out to either side and “drop” into a squat position, lowering one hand to touch the ground. Then jump back into an upright position and repeat, alternating the arm that you touch the ground with. Simple yet effective, this is one of the best bodyweight exercises to include in your workout routine.
Make squats a little more interesting by introducing a “drop.”
5. Candlesticks
Considered by many to be the strength workout for your core, candlesticks are by no means easy. But they do offer a great alternative to all those sit-ups you’ve been doing (or better yet, an addition). Start off standing straight before lowering into a squat and eventually sitting on the floor and rolling on your back until your legs are vertical in the air and your back is as straight as possible, leaving just your head and shoulders resting on the ground and your arms by your sides, flat on the floor. Gently lower back down, rolling once more into a squat position and, with an explosive finish, jump back into a standing position and repeat. Confusing? A little, but there are ways to get to grips with new exercises. Let’s talk a little more about how to mix up your workout routine safely and effectively.
Doing New Exercises
New or unusual exercises can be fun, and can certainly help lessen the tedium of normal bodyweight exercises, but that doesn’t necessarily make them any less intimidating for newcomers or any less difficult for those with experience. This is when a personal trainer can really help. On top of keeping motivation high, personal trainers can help newcomers get to grips with specific exercises and ensure more experienced individuals keep their routines fresh and tailored to specific fitness goals.
Bodyweight exercises are a great gear-free way to stick to your fitness routine when travelling, require little to no equipment, and will almost certainly form the core of your fitness routine. Keep these unusual exercises in mind when looking to freshen up your workout, and remember that even the “basics” can have an interesting twist!