The 8 Most Popular Excuses Not To Exercise (And Why They're Total Rubbish)

There are a million excuses you can use to avoid exercise, but to be blunt, they are usually all absolute rubbish. For most people, there is nothing stopping you getting out there and having the perfect fitness routine for you. Whether you feel too tired or you think you travel too much to fit in exercise, there are ways to keep your workout going and lazy thinking at bay. Here are some of the most common excuses not to exercise – and why they’re total rubbish.

You’re Too Tired

The first of our overly common excuses is one that will be familiar to most (and not just those who are avoiding exercise): ‘I’m too tired to do XYZ.’ Well, once you start exercising it will actually boost your energy rather than sap it. It does this in several important ways. First, by improving your sleep, with multiple studies showing the positive impact exercise has on both the quality and pattern of your sleep. Secondly, it can also release endorphins, which will boost your energy levels in their own right as well as reducing anxiety, which will again help with sleep. Moreover, exercise improves the flow of blood and in turn the amount of oxygen that reaches the organs – this can help significantly boost your energy levels!

Far from sapping your energy, exercise can mean no more lying awake at night!

Far from sapping your energy, exercise can mean no more lying awake at night!

You’re Too Busy

Are you too busy to do anything, or just exercise? Because chances are you find time to watch a little Netflix now and then or browse Insta for a while on your break. These are moments that could be used to follow a solid fitness routine. If you really don’t have any time in your day, why not try to wake up a little earlier to fit it in? With all your improved sleep and energy, you’ll probably be up and about anyway! If you can manage it, you could always try and get a short workout in during your lunch break and take advantage of the energy (and endorphins) boost to get you through the rest of the workday!

The Weather Is Miserable

Bad weather can make everything worse, and most people are more inclined to snuggle up with a good book or movie when it gets grey than to head out for a run. But a little rain should never stop you getting the exercise you need. Find an indoor space to run through your routine, whether it be your room, garage, a gym or a spare conference room at the office (maybe consider consulting your boss on that one). It isn’t just the practical limitations of bad weather, however, since a looming forecast can also sap your motivation. But there are plenty of ways to combat this with everything from special lamps to a little help from your friends.

‘I’ll Do It Tomorrow’

Another excuse people use is that they aren’t not exercising, they’re just putting it off until it’s more convenient. The truth is, you can put off your fitness routine indefinitely, and using the excuse of ‘I’ll do it later’ is really no excuse at all. So… how to make sure you exercise? An easy way to combat this self-deception is by getting a partner or joining a group workout session. Being with other people can boost your motivation and stop you putting things off since you’re then not just letting yourself down, but also other people.

You Can’t Afford It

The cost of fancy equipment and even fancier gym clothes can be really expensive. That’s completely true. Do you know what isn’t true? That you have to buy any of it! Public parks are a fantastic place to exercise in Melbourne and are completely free! Often, they even have free equipment to use (and if they don’t, there’s always the playground). Moreover, good fitness programs will often offer free trials so you can try out different regimes before you commit your hard-earned cash.

Exercise Is Boring

One of the biggest excuses not to exercise is that we simply would rather do other things, but this is mainly down to not doing the right exercise to get you excited and make you actually look forward to your workout. A personal trainer is an easy way to put this right, as they can develop a personalised plan that you’re guaranteed to love. Quickly get bored? They can help change it up and keep you motivated to stick to your regime.

You’re Too Old, Unfit, Unathletic Etc. to Exercise

First, this is just untrue – you’ll never be so old or unfit that you can’t do anything. And it becomes more untrue every day with a variety of exercise systems being developed for people of all ages and ability. Ebikes, for example, are allowing those who once struggled to ride to get back in the saddle. A good way to get back into exercise in general is to find a group class that caters to your fitness level or a personal trainer to develop a routine just for you.

Waiting at the airport or missing a workout opportunity?

Waiting at the airport or missing a workout opportunity?

I travel too much

Whether for work or pleasure, more people are travelling than ever before, and when you’re on the road it can be easy to use it as an excuse to forgo your fitness routine. Well, not anymore!

There are plenty of ways to exercise in even the smallest of hotel rooms and pretty much every city on the planet has a park you can use. A personal trainer can help you develop a broad, complex routine for when you’re at home and a pared-down version for when you’re jetsetting.

It’s easy to make excuses; it’s hard to break bad habits. Now’s the time to use these simple ways to beat back your urge to put off exercise and start out on a sustainable fitness plan. It will mean more exercise, more time outdoors and, if you do it right, more fun and motivation! And at little extra cost – of either time or money.